How do I know if I have an Out of State Warrant?
One of the first things to do if you have an outstanding arrest warrant is to find out the county and state where the arrest warrant was issued. To do this you have a few options. You can go down to the local court house where the offense took place and ask for the records if you know where the warrant resides. This can be time consuming since typically the court house is only open during normal working hours. If you don't have the right location you will have to go to another court house and duplicate your efforts.
If you aren't sure what state or county the outstanding warrant was issued you can use ArrestWarrant.org's online search system to run a complete warrant, court record or personal background check for any person in all 50 states. This is the fastest and most convenient way to run reports today and you can do it right from the privacy of your own computer. Once you find out you have an outstanding arrest warrant the best way to deal with the warrant is to call the local court magistrate office and tell them you would like to resolve an outstanding arrest warrant. If the warrant is of serious nature it is best to consult with an attorney first to handle your case effectively. A lawyer knows the law and can help resolve your case in the best way possible and even reduce any fines or sentencing that may incur. Also, a lawyer can help you get the record removed from your personal file if it's eligible for expunction or sealing.

State and Local Online Record Retrieval
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